
Comment on MAIB report on loss of FV Nancy Glen

Comment on MAIB Report on loss of FV Nancy Glen – Ayrshire based Hook Marine Ltd has developed a stability monitor for vessels to give early warning of unstable conditions. Commenting on the MAIB report into the loss of the Nancy Glen, Ken Smith, managing director of Hook Marine said:

“It is often said that accidents like the capsize of the FV Nancy Glen ‘must not be allowed to happen again’, but to bring this about, changes must be put in place.

“An analysis of fishing vessel losses indicates that around 60 per cent of accidents are due to inadequate stability, often arising from the simultaneous action of several causal factors.

“We have developed and successfully completed sea trials of a monitoring device to give early warning of unstable conditions, and we believe that these accidents can be avoided with the use of new technology.”

Hook Marine Ltd is a Scottish company which is dedicated to safety in the marine industries. The company specialises in the provision of safety equipment for use when lifting or hauling at sea, and the Kranskan™ and SeaWise™ products are specially designed to reduce the risks associated with working in a hostile and hazardous marine environment.

Small vessels, especially those in the fishing industry, are the most vulnerable, and accident statistics show that fishing is the most dangerous industry of all in many countries. The loss of life resulting from accidents at sea is deeply felt in coastal communities, as can be seen from the many fishermen’s memorials in coastal locations.

There are many factors which are essential for safety at sea, including good vessel design, regular maintenance and first class seamanship. Their products are in no way to be considered as replacements for these essentials; rather they are looking to advance and enhance the finest skills which the naval architect, the marine engineer and the seafarer can bring to their craft.

Hook Marine Ltd is a past winner of the innovation prize in the Lloyd’s List Global Awards for its concept of a stability monitor for fishing vessels.

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